Question Explanation Sharing
In today's educational environment, it is the mission of every educator to constantly explore and innovate teaching methods and improve the quality of teaching. Thus, in order to promote the communication and cooperation among English teachers and improve the level of English teaching, the English group of Anqing Foreign Language School's Junior High Division of the east campus recently held a unique 'Teachers' Question Explanation Sharing' activity, aiming to explore a more efficient and vivid English teaching model through teachers' experience sharing.
In summary, through teacher He’s sharing, it is not difficult for us to find his teaching philosophy and characteristics in the teaching process. For one thing, he stressed on cultivating students' language application ability, and emphasizing the practical application and communicative function of language. For another, he focused on fostering students' cross-cultural awareness and international perspective. Therefore, in English learning, students can not only master the language knowledge, but also understand the way of thinking and life under different cultural backgrounds.